Your credit report is what many lenders use to get an view of your credit history. Having a mistake on that can prevent loans. Here is how to get it fixed!
Questions and Answers
Do you have questions? Are you wondering about savings accounts? Kids and money? Maybe even why credit cards and debit cards are just so different? We look at those questions, and a lot more. Proceed with caution though – after you read through everything, you might just become a money master with your accounts!
Is it a good idea to pay off my mortgage, and transfer those payments into investments?
Removing your mortgage is a great way to free up money in your budget. But should you invest that new money? Or should you do something else with it?
Are there any tax incentives when it comes to investing in real estate?
Investing in real estate can be a beneficial investment strategy. How it impacts your taxes is a very specific answer to you.
What is the easiest way to track my savings and budgeting goals?
Tacking your savings and budgeting goals can offer a lot of solutions. However, sometimes its good to start with the basics – paper and pen. We look at ways to track them adn more.
I am about to help my child start building their credit with a credit card and a car loan – is this right or wrong?
Helping your child develop into a financially stable adult can be difficult. Is a good idea to help them with credit cards and a loan, or no?
What types of mortgage loans are available?
What are the various types of mortgage and home loans available to you? Which is best for your needs in Lawrence County?
How do I start to repair my credit?
If you need to repair your credit, you need to be prepared for some time investment. Whether you do it on your own or hire a counseling service, you will need to put in some work.
My wife’s a saver, I use credit cards. How can we align our financial goals?
So your wife is a saver, and you only use credit cards. You do not have debt, but you want your financial goals to align better? There is one thing that works every time.
What is a prenuptial agreement (a prenup)?
A prenuptial agreement better known as a prenup) is a legal contract signed before entering marriage. It might seem too formal, but you might need one!
Should I apply for social security as soon as possible?
When you are about to retire, understanding social security rules and dates is important. Do you immediately file for social security, or not?