Fun stuff should not be avoided. When you are budgeting and watching what you spend, the fun stuff can keep you sane. Today, we’ll look at the fun stuff, how much is too much, and how much fun stuff you can really enjoy each month.
Questions and Answers
Do you have questions? Are you wondering about savings accounts? Kids and money? Maybe even why credit cards and debit cards are just so different? We look at those questions, and a lot more. Proceed with caution though – after you read through everything, you might just become a money master with your accounts!
How much debt is “too much debt”?
Debt is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. The type of debt and how it is used is either good or bad. Today, we want to help you make that distinction, and to know how much is too much debt.
Is it a good idea to give yourself an allowance when building a personal budget?
Personal budgeting structures your spending each month. But, is it a good idea to give yourself an allowance in that budget? Today we look at the topic and give advice for this advanced budgeting tip.
When budgeting, what is the 50/20/30 method?
Budgeting is a large topic to talk about. There are many methods of budgeting, but one is the 50/20/30 budgeting method. Today, we’ll look at what it is, if it’s right for you, and how for you to use it.
What’s the easiest method of paying down a credit card?
There are many ways you can pay off your debts, specifically your credit card debt. Today we’ll look at what some people feel is the ‘easiest’ method to doing this.
Is it bad if I don’t pay off my credit cards each month?
Credit card debt is a frustrating subject. The most important thing that you can do for yourself is use it, and pay it off. But, should you pay everything off each month?
Does First Choice offer any scholarships to area students?
First Choice Federal Credit Union is proud to offer the citizens of Lawrence County two different scholarships. We believe in the future of this area. Deadlines, downloads and explanations for our scholarships are provided.
What is earnest money, when it comes to mortgages?
When you buy a home or sell your home, there is a lot to consider. One thing involving home loans and mortgages is earnest money. What is it?
How do I make a correct budget?
Budgeting is a good method of getting your spending under control. Properly budgeting is defined by these 4 items: income, expenses, differences and monthly.
How much do hobbies and vices cost me each year?
Money matters. How we spend is just as important (if not more) than what money we bring into our households. How do hobbies and vices factor into our spending?