Credit cards can impact your credit rating in a positive and negative way, depending on quite a few factors. We look at those credit factors and more.
Questions and Answers
Do you have questions? Are you wondering about savings accounts? Kids and money? Maybe even why credit cards and debit cards are just so different? We look at those questions, and a lot more. Proceed with caution though – after you read through everything, you might just become a money master with your accounts!
What is APR?
APR, or Annual Percentage Rate, is simply the interest rate of a line of credit. We look at APRs, what they mean to your final costs and more.
How do credit cards work?
Credit cards are a staple in how our credit system used in the world today. We look at what credit cards, security issues and how they work.
Can I get a checking account at my credit union?
The simple answer for First Choice is ‘absolutely’. For many credit unions, members ask the simple question ‘can I get a checking account, with my savings account?’ We offer some insight into this need.
Is a credit union FDIC insured like a bank?
All financial institutions are insured by the government. But the insuring bodies for a credit union are slightly different than that of a bank. We’ll cover the FDIC, NCUA, credit union insurance and the safety of your money with a credit union.
Why should I join a credit union?
Joining a credit union is a simple process, that, in some cases, is easier that starting a bank account. But, this still begs the question, why should someone join a credit union?
How do I join a credit union?
Joining a credit union is a simple thing. But I still hear “how do I join a credit union?” more than any other question. Are you ready to get started as a credit union member?
What is the difference between a credit union and a bank?
Credit unions and banks have many differences, and some terrific similarities that you should note.