First Choice FCU of New Castle PA has created an evolving list of loans and loan services to better serve our membership.
Savings, Loans and Borrowing
Questions and answers about loans, borrowing, lines of credit and more.
What are the current rates for a car loan?
Car loans boil down to three required amounts – time, amount and interest rate. First Choice FCU has some of the lowest rates around New Castle PA.
When is ok to finance a purchase through credit, or more debt?
All debt might seem bad. But there are situations that arise when getting a loan or a line of credit, while making debt, also might be for the best.
What is a good faith estimate, and how does it help me?
A good faith estimate (GFE) is a document that includes a full breakdown of all fees and costs. We look at these fees and what they mean to you
What is a good short-term investment for me to make?
Short-term investments are rarely safe, in the traditional definition. However, there are a few short-term investing options that you can use!
Should I consolidate all of my debt?
Debt consolidation is a method of taking all debt and paying it off, moving it into a new loan. This has many benefits for your credit and for your wallet.
Should I refinance my student loans?
Refinancing loans is always a consideration. However, when it comes to student loans, refinancing might not be your best course of action. Here is why…
I am about to help my child start building their credit with a credit card and a car loan – is this right or wrong?
Helping your child develop into a financially stable adult can be difficult. Is a good idea to help them with credit cards and a loan, or no?
What types of mortgage loans are available?
What are the various types of mortgage and home loans available to you? Which is best for your needs in Lawrence County?
My wife’s a saver, I use credit cards. How can we align our financial goals?
So your wife is a saver, and you only use credit cards. You do not have debt, but you want your financial goals to align better? There is one thing that works every time.