Hi and welcome to the First Choice Federal Credit Union’s newest resource, the First Choice Information website.
Everyone needs help, right? When it comes to information, you can never have enough.
Whether you are a seasoned investor, a first time home owner or a parent wanting to give your child the right life-lessons with their money, we wanted to provide a resource to address your needs. What has come together is an archive of information, questions and answers, tutorials, videos and even more.
Want some direction getting started?
STEP ONE: Get your questions answered right now!
The fastest way to get started here is to go through our Question and Answer section.
Below you will find some of the most asked questions, and most visited answers, on the website. We amass these through contact with our members, and the general public and community.
How do credit cards affect my credit rating?
What is APR?
Is a credit union insured like a bank?
How does a car loan affect my credit rating?
What are the fees associated with a 401(k) account and an IRA account?
We love answering your needs! We look to keep no question unanswered. And, we always are willing to share the best practices for you to get the most for your money.
Type in your question below, or a topical keyword. You will then see a list of questions our members have had over the years.
STEP TWO: Signup for our newsletter
The First Choice newsletter will put you in the position of having the best information, that is the most relevant and current, delivered to your inbox. To keep you “in the know”, enter your email below and click the ‘Signup to the newsletter’ button.
Not only will you receive updated information and links every week, but you can also get even more with our downloads and guides.
And, it’s FREE!
STEP THREE: Getting more information
Wondering what other people are finding on our site? Start with one of our most popular posts below!
What financial tips we learned from Star Wars
Getting started with online banking from First Choice
20 money-saving tips your wallet or purse will love!
Getting started with Bill Pay services from First Choice
We try to give you the information and help you need. We have decades of knowledge for you, and that is growing every single day.
STEP FOUR: Join our Facebook family
Our Facebook page is the fastest way to get timely info, now.
Join us at FACEBOOK
We also have a YouTube channel for video tutorials and more by joining us at YOUTUBE
We invite you to join the discussion there, if you have further questions from anything that you’ve learned here. We would love to answer all of your needs.
STEP FIVE: Become a member
The last thing to do is to become a member of the First Choice family fully. Stop by one of our three convenient branches across Lawrence County. If you live, work, learn or attend church in Lawrence County, then we have a seat waiting for you!
How do you get started?
Stop by any branch of First Choice across Lawrence County. If you work, live, worship or attend school here, you can start an account.
For more information on becoming a member of First Choice, you can visit the First Choice FCU website today.
STEP SIX: Do you need something else?
And, if you need anything else, don’t hesitate to contact us at support@firstchoicefcuinfo.com, or via the form below!
Thank you for making First Choice, your first choice.
Michael Vatter, CEO
First Choice Federal Credit Union