The simple answer is that you can get your credit report fairly easily. If you would like to purchase a plan from the “Big 3” credit agencies, you can review your credit report and credit score any time you choose.
Who are the “Big 3”?
- Experian
- Equifax
- TransUnion
It is important for you to receive your credit report to review its details and to maintain a strong financial health.
The good news is that it is fairly simple to receive a free copy of your credit report.
Each year, by law, the “Big 3” must provide you a copy for free. You can get more information by calling (877) 322-8228. Or, you can visit to receive your credit report as well.
There are other times when you can receive your credit report for free.
Are you on welfare?
Have you been denied an account for a loan or credit card?
Are you unemployed and will be job searching in the next 60 days?
Have you been a victim of identity theft?