We have moved fairly far since our charter was initially created in 1952. Back then, we dealt with transactions on paper. Today, everything is digital. How you learn, do business, teach and even eat is done online.
First Choice wants to always be growing with your needs. We want to always be where you need us to be.
This is why we offer Bill Pay to our members. This service allows
Simple tips for getting starting with Bill Pay
Login to Online banking and select the Bill Pay Tab.
Fill in the information of First Name, Last Name, E-mail Address (that must match what is on file at the credit union) and your account number.
Please note: You must accept the terms and conditions of bill pay by marking the checkbox.
Then click “Go”.
Bill Pay will access your Checking Account (Share Draft Account).
Do I need to wait to use First Choice Bill Pay?
Now that you are in, you can schedule a bill pay right away!
Once you select to “Add a Bill” you will begin to put in some information. The system will recognize most payees and fill in the rest of the information for you, such as address and name. You simply have to put in your account number. Bill Pay will remember that information for next time.
You will simply have to select the name of the company or person you want to pay. Then, just enter an amount and the date you want to process the bill.
Click submit and you are done.
Just that easy and the best part – we pay for the stamps.
Welcome to First Choice Bill Pay, we hope you enjoy
Bill Pay is free to you, but it costs us to keep your account on the service. Once you have Bill Pay you must schedule at least one bill every 90 days or there will be a $2.00 charge for inactivity. If you don’t use it, then no problem – just let us know and we will be happy to close it for you.