Investing in real estate is not without risk, but it is not the most volatile investment you can make. For retirement, real estate might or might not be for you.
Questions and Answers
Do you have questions? Are you wondering about savings accounts? Kids and money? Maybe even why credit cards and debit cards are just so different? We look at those questions, and a lot more. Proceed with caution though – after you read through everything, you might just become a money master with your accounts!
What documents should I have as I approach retirement?
Approaching retirement age is something we will all face. Having the right planning ready for your retirement is a key to having a happy retirement.
What types of loans do you offer?
First Choice FCU of New Castle PA has created an evolving list of loans and loan services to better serve our membership.
What is the minimum loan amount for a car at First Choice?
Car loans offer a path to owning a vehicle with reduced interest rates with First Choice. What are those terms? What can you expect from your car loan?
How do I know if I’m financially ready to buy a new car?
Buying a car is exciting! But, are you actually ready, when it comes to your money, to afford it? Monthly payments aren’t for everyone – but here’s the answer!
I own a home, should I buy another before selling this house?
Buying a new home is exciting! But how does home buying and home selling change if you already own a home? Do you sell your home now, or after you move?
Will checking my credit score hurt my credit?
Checking your credit history shouldn’t hurt your credit score, right? Well, this is not always the case. Sometimes it can hurt your credit score and more.
Can my spouse’s spotty credit history reflect back (poorly) on me?
Credit and credit history is important. When you get married there are a few things that you should know about credit, debt and credit scores.
How do I make a budget with variable income in the household?
Variable incomes in a home make budgeting a more complex action. However, there is hope. We look at variable income budgeting and more.
If I’m shopping online is it better to use my credit card or my debit card to make purchases?
Shopping online is a given when it comes to the holiday season, and out of it. Is it better to use your credit card or your debit card to make purchases?