What is a good short-term investment for me to make?

A good short-term investment is any investment that minimizes risk, while yielding a positive gain over a fairly fast time frame.

Short-term investments might at first seem impossible – especially finding a ‘good’ one!

However, we suggest one or more of the following to fulfill your need of a good short-term investment:

  • CD (certificates of deposit) – can range from one month to a decade
  • Treasury securities – loans you make to the government that can yield between 0.5% and 2.5% (if you hold it for five years)
  • Municipal bonds – riskier than Treasury securities, but have a much higher return (sometimes up to 5%)
  • Bond funds – investment last for a few years, and can yield over 3%
  • Promotional deals with banks and accounts – you can receive hundreds if not thousands of dollars for account transfers and new account creation
  • These are just some of the short-term investments that we recommend adding to your investment thinking.

    If you would like to talk about First Choice’s short-term investment products and services, give us a call at (724)652-8393, or stop in at one of our branches.

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