In 1923, Roy Bergengren, a pioneer of the credit union movement in the United States, commissioned Joseph Stern of the Boston Globe to capture the essence of credit unions. The “Little Umbrella Man” was born and unofficially adopted as the mascot of the movement. Until he was officially retired in the late 60’s, he could be seen on many credit union’s advertisements across the United States.
As this cartoon was penned, the US was facing the financial uncertainty known as the Great Depression.
With hard work, service to members, and commitment to the Communities in which they serve, credit unions proved their worth to the nation. In 1934, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Federal Credit Union Act into law.
Fast-forward to today…
Today, millions of Americans have turned to the umbrella of a credit union. Hard times happen, sickness and accidents occur or financial distress pelt away. The concept that the individual is to be treated as an individual, embodied in the foundational principle of “People Helping People” is ever-present.
We don’t work for shareholders, trying to maximize profit; we work for you, trying to provide the best financial products and solutions.
We are committed to this Community. Not just the community of membership, but also the communities within Lawrence County. Each of you belong for some reason.
Either you have or continue to work for one of our member companies; you have a family member that belongs or belonged here; or you live, work, volunteer, or attend church / school in Lawrence County. No matter the reason, you too are a member of this community. Chances are you either live in this area or used to.
There are advantages to belonging… advantages to giving back to where you are from or where you call home.
Not just an umbrella when things go wrong…
The other way of looking at this cartoon is to not just focus on the protection of the umbrella, but also on the “Little Man” himself. He is holding up the credit union. He is putting them in the position to do the most good. It is a mutually beneficial relationship.
We need you in order to spread our influence and support to this Community. If you have received a great rate, or service; enjoy the benefits of any of our products; or appreciate our approach to member services, we ask that you first, continue to use us and then second tell others. We not only want to be your primary financial institution, but also the same for all of your family and friends.
We are here to serve you, in sunshine and rain.