Family ties and why it all matters

For most of us the Holiday Season is over. Our attention now turns to getting the tree put away. We focus on finding room for this new “stuff”. And we try to stick to those well intented New Year’s Resolutions.

Perhaps you spend your Holidays like I do…

We caught up with family and friends. We laughed at stories that have been told countless times. We piled the kids in the car and drove around at night to see all the lights.

Look, I truly enjoy the Holidays despite their hectic pace and rampant commercialism.

Life is always changing

We are in the stage of life where my family and I travel from relative to relative, eating 2 or 3 meals in a day. And, one more thing…

COOKIES! I must not forget the cookies.

It is good to see Aunts and Uncles, Cousins and Friends. This time of year also makes me miss those family members that are no longer with us. I am keenly aware of their lack of presence and their starring role in those beloved stories.

However, I rejoice with those that are still here, and try and make sure my kids appreciate the gift of family.

Don’t get me wrong, though.

Family can drive you nuts and not everyone is as fortunate to have the same family experience featured prominently in every Hallmark Channel Movie that has been running 24/7 since Halloween. I have a few of “those relatives”, just like you.

We really don’t need to say more about them, do we?

Despite it all, I still really value my family. They give me a sense of tradition; a sense of identity. They have protected me, promoted me, offered advice, encouraged me, corrected me, and provided for me.

Extended family is still family

At First Choice Federal Credit Union, we consider you part of our extended family.

As I write that, I realize that it sounds cliché. Especially with every company trying to convince you, despite their size, they are still your friends and neighbors. I won’t be able to prove it to you in just a few paragraphs. I hope that you feel it in the way we approach our daily business and have since 1952.

Yes we are a business, but we are also a cooperative. We are like-minded people coming together for a common goal, sharing benefits. We are defined by our membership. When we say that we are proud of First Choice, we are stating our pride in our members.

Every time we offer budget counseling, this is our focus. Every interaction where we encourage someone to hang on just a little bit longer. Every loan that we give to grant a dream. Every young person that we set out on the right financial foot. All of it.

We take great pride in our small part of our members’ lives. We thank you for letting us be a part of your financial journey.

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